cool vid... But fuck signs...
i'd be like "Fuck you bitch, i can laugh if i damn well please!" Although, i suppose that's why society has classed me as a scofflaw. But really, i don't understand you people at all. Laws have grown to a point where they protect no one, but rather act as a shield against the less sightly elements of humanity and life. If people don't want anyone in their surrounding environment to be doing a certain thing, they band together to get it outlawed. This to me is wrong. In addition to the fact that it's an attempt at complete control over an entire populous by one self-rightous dick, after another self-righteous dick, resulting in a police state more controlling than the ones you may have heard of from china, it also results in an infinite number of contradictions, simply because of the amount of people trying to get laws passed. These are the reasons why anyone who supports the law can go fuck themselves with a broom handle 'till it comes out the other side. Thank you for your time.